Des Whittall
Group Manager

When Louisa and I bought BCRAH in 2012, I'd never worked in a veterinary hospital and basically had no idea what I was getting into. My job has become all of the things that a business needs from HR to purchasing, not veterinary specific but none the less critical. I guess we're doing something right, Lou and I were extremely excited when we were able to launch our second clinic, Little Leaf. While this was my first job in the industry, my Grandfather was a vet in the UK so I've seen practice since I was very small. I was also lucky enough to grow up in a small business, watching and learning from my parents. That experience, along with my background in finance and technology has helped me make the transition from working for a large bank to where we are now.
As the group manager I oversee the management team to ensure that we achieve our ambitions for quality of care and ensuring that each client and pet that we come into contact with is treated as our own. I love the opportunity to make a difference - to help build an exceptional medical facility where we offer pets and clients the opportunity to receive the best care possible.
Outside of work most of my time is spent with my family. I have 2 children, Charlotte and Ivy - you will see both of them around the hospital from time to time.